Trace (message)

Trace (message)
The command trace () is used to display something on the output panel. Usage of trace action is very useful in further programming later, as fault testing in a program line. An example of using trace action script as following:
  • Click frame 1, then open the action panel and typing the script: trace (1000); then run the movie by pressing CTRL+Enter. It will appear the text "1000" on the output panel.
  • Press Ctrl + W to return to the Stage. Next change the action in frame 1 become: trace ("hello how are you?"); Then run movie again. So it will appear in output panel as follows:

  • Press Ctrl + W to return to the Stage. Next change the action in frame 1 become: trace (number); Then run movie again. So it will appear in output panel as follows:
  • Press Ctrl + W to return to the Stage. Next add the action in frame 1 becomes:
number = 1000;
trace (number);
Then run movie again. So the view that emerges is as follows:

The conclusion that can be taken are as follows:
  • Value inside () in the action trace () can be filled with numbers.
  • Word "hello how are you?" can be displayed because it is a string object (located inside "").
  • Word number can not be displayed, because not enclosed in "", so the word number is considered as a variable that must be defined first.
  • Additional action number = 1000; is defining the number variable, so this variable is valued at 1000 and can be displayed by the action trace ().

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